JANUARY 6, 1998
Ring in the new
It's another new year, and hope springs eternal among long-suffering Macophiles: Hope that Apple will figure out how to put one foot in front of the other in a real comeback. Hope that Apple will pump up the volume of its Think Different campaign with a blitzkrieg of hotter-than-hot product ads. Hope that Apple will rediscover its lost developers and give its faithful retainers new reasons for keeping the faith.
And no faithful Apple retainers deserve a better 1998 than these superstar small guys -- makers of truly outstanding Mac hardware and software -- to whom the first Steamed Crabbies go for the new year:
DataBeast Inc.: Once upon a time you used NCSA Telnet to connect your corporate Macs for terminal sessions with the company's big iron. But Telnet has become very long in the tooth and your CIO is using the issue to demand that you dump your Macs. Tell him to go ride a comet -- dataComet, that is. dataComet is a Macintosh Telnet/TN3270 application that's AppleScriptable, handles VT200 and PC-ANSI terminal emulation as well as TN3270, plus provides Zmodem file transfer, serial support and text editing. Quite simply, this is the Swiss Army Knife of Mac telecomm.
That's it for this round of Steamed Crabbies. Thanks for all of the thousands of nominations I received this past month. Keep those cards and letters coming!
Don Crabb 3/25/1955 - 2/26/2000, RIP. Don will be missed not just for his wit, humanity, and intelligence, but also for his tireless efforts to keep Apple on the tracks. -- bonze (posted on databeast.com July 27 2000 as Kevin Eric Saunders a/k/a bonze blayk by Bonze Annette-Rose Blayk)
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A copy of Ring in the New | ZDnet is also available on the Internet Archive.